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The Right Person Has the Future of Your Business in Their Hands and
​We Deliver Them Right to You

DealSurge arranges "Meetings on Demand" with  C-Level decision makers, where you dictate the price and only pay for the meetings you attend.

You Decide What A Meeting Is Worth
You Choose  Whether You Want to Attend
You Pay  Only If You Attend

Operating as a seamless extension, we provide a full time Insourced Chief Development Officer, all the messaging, go to market strategy and databases.

There are
no ongoing costs, just a mutually beneficial commitment to attending the meetings.

The per meeting booked fee is an essential part of our proposition – it is up to you to decide
how much you will pay for a C-Level Meeting ?

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C Level 

C - Level Decision Makers With Authority, Interest, Pain or Need

Little Or No Investment 

You Only Pay for The Meetings You Attend 

Sales On Demand

Operating As Additional Members Of Your Team

Return On Investment

GMPP of less than 3 months and an rCAC above 20x


Develop Markets

Actually Be the Company that succeeds

Test and Prove

Your Product or Service

Scale and Build

New Sales Processes


Technology, SaaS and Online Companies

Meritocratic Organization

Confident in Our Processes and Methodologies 

Daily Meetings

Direct to Your Inbox

You Decide 

What A Meeting Is Worth

You Choose

Whether You Want to Attend

You Pay

Only If You Attend

Meetings on Demand
Tech Companies

Chief Meeting Officer

Insourced + Fulltime
Increase Scale + New Pipeline
Messaging + Written + Verbal 
Go to Market + Strategy 


Operating as a seamless extension of your team, we deliver institutional “Meetings on Demand”, allowing you to scale and build new sales teams with little or no additional investment, in reduced time
Dealsurge identifies and targets all the C-level decision makers with authority and interest or pain or need within your marketplace, then builds a comprehensive and complete database

We create a message that is the foundation of all your sales and marketing activities, and we make the right time by consistently staying in front of the decision makers
C Level



Right Person 
Has The Future Of Your Business In Their Hands

Right Message 
Intrigues Attracts Calls To Action Wins Customers

Right Time 
By Consistently Staying In Front Of The Decision Makers



The Right Person Has The Future Of Your Business In Their Hands And We Deliver Them Right To You

Selling To The Right Person Is More Important Than All The Sales Processes Combined

There Is No Point Selling To Someone Who Doesn't Have The Power To Buy Your Product Or Service

We Create A Message That Is The Foundation Of All Your Sales And Marketing Activities

An Exceptional Sales Message Intrigues, Attracts, Calls To Action And Wins Customers


We Write Sales Messages That Are Crisp, Simple And To The Point 

We Make The Right Time By Consistently Staying In Front Of The Decision Makers

The Average Sales Development Rep Makes 52 Dials/Day – At Dealsurge We Make Around 300 Dials A Day

Imagine What 6x The Call Volume Can Do For Your Sales Pipeline

A good business has a  GMPP under 18 months and rCAC above 3x 

A great business has a GMPP under 12 months and rCAC above 5x

DealSurge has a GMPP under 3 months and rCAC above 20x



Gross Margin Payback Period Less Than 3 Months

Total Cost of Customer Acquisition Drastically Reduced

Return on Customer Acquisition Costs Increased

Increase Scale + Build New Pipeline

Sales on Demand

C-Level Decision Makers

Rapid and Sustainable Revenues

No Financial, Operational or Administrative Burdens 

No Ongoing Costs, Just A Mutually Beneficial Commitment

Keep Risk and Costs Minimal

Meritocratic + Confident 

We Succeed + Only If You Do


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